Copyright 2001 - 2020 James Thomas Westbrook --- All Rights Reserved --- The author exercises any and all rights of exclusivity he is lawfully entitled to pursuant U.S. Copyright Law as a literary property. --- "1979" is a copyrighted non-fiction book technically speaking, and was first registered with the U.S. Copyright Office on December 31st 2001. ---- The author also exercises any and all copyright protection he is entitled to as a graphic artist,regarding the copyrighted photo art montages included thereon each and every one of the title pages of Parts 1 through 13 as well as the various Sub-Parts contained in Parts 1 through 13 of "1979". This also applies to the Epilogue to it. --- Any and all inquiries regarding "1979"/1979westbrook.com may be submitted to me by e-mail at: 79westbrook@protonmail.com or Westbrook79@Yandex.Com
Part 3 -- Sub Part 3
"1979" / 1979westbrook.com
Part 3 Sub Pt 2
-- I review the bizarre and mysterious circumstances and events of my life from January 1st through June 30, 1971.
Part 3 Sub Part 3
-- I review the bizarre and deadly circumstances and events of my life from July 1st 1971 through February 29th 1972.
Part 3 Sub Part 4
-- I review the bizarrely weird circumstances and events of my life from March 1st 1972 through August 31st 1972.
Part 3 Sub Part 5
-- I review the bizarrely mysterious circumstances and events of my life from September 1st 1972 through Mid February 1973.Part 3 Sub Part 6
-- I review the bizarre and deadly circumstances and events of my life from Mid February 1973 through August 31st 1973.
Part 3 Sub Part 7
-- I review the bizarre and deadly circumstances and events of my life from September 1st 1973 through March 31st 1974.
Part 3 Sub Part 8
-- I review the bizarre and deadly circumstances and events of my life from April 1st 1974 through August 30th, 1974.
Part 3 Sub Part 3 describes the way in which my old middle school chum Greg Downard was reinstalled in my life in late July '71 only days after 'Spud' Helberg's murder, and Greg's near death 'O.D.' days later, for which I am entitled to half credit for saving his life, as it was the skill, knowledge and cool of a girl named Luana who brought Greg back to life without the use of a hospital emergency room, and whole lot of cops who were already gunning for me in the wake of 'Spud' Helberg's murder only days before as they never bothered to question me.
Part 3 Sub Part 3 also deals with my introduction to 'Getty' who was apparently an FBI informant, or rather a 'plant' who I met in late July '71 and who was to quite literally infiltrate the lives of myself and a number of other friends that I then had in 1971 and in the years to come.
This same Sub Part also covers my brief attendance at a Criminal Law class at Citrus College in Glendora in the Fall of 1971 and which was taught by an L.A. Sheriffs Detective-Lieutenant named Lee Mealy, who was also a former agent for the U.S. Treasury Department. -- This knowledge that I gained from taking this class was prove invaluable on numerous occasions, therein the months and years then yet to come.
Key Points covered in Part 3 Sub Part 2 of 1979 1979westbrook.com
Major events in J.T. Westbrook's life from July 1, 1971 through February 30, 1972, working at Treasure Chest publishing Glendora, living in Azusa,
Psychology class at Citrus College, Glendora, partying with 'Spud' Helberg at his place in Covina July 9th, the barricade that kept the party crashers out, partying with 'Spud' and Niki until my pre-dawn departutre July 10th, return of the party crashers and 'Spud's head wound from a sword, hospitalization, release, re-admittance and 'Spud's death at Covina Intercommunity July 17,1971.
Copycat mid-air July 30, 1971, Japanese Air Force F-86 take out of an ANA 727 over Japan. Same 'M.O.' as the June 6 'D-Day' mid-air when a U.S. Marine Phantom jet reportedly hit an Air West DC-9 over the Bradbury Hills, near Duarte and only 8 miles from the place I then lived at in Azusa at that time.
Weider still being a quarter Japanese, with a mother who had relatives at the Nagasaki nuclear test for the 'Fat Man' implosion bomb this second mid-air
seemed even more suspicious than the first.As the result of this Citizens in Los Angeles County tried to reopen the investigation of the June 1971 mid air between the U.S. Marine Phantom jet that reportedly hit an Air West DC-9 over the Bradbury Hills there in the wake of the 'copycat' like mid air over Japan July 30, 1971.
Greg Downard reappears in early August '71. Partying at Greg's when the cops chase eveyone off. My solo return, the appearance of a pretty girl from Gladstone High who I'm about ready to fuck when she finds Greg 'O.D.'d in the Kitchen. -- Can't call the cops or an ambulance or I'll go jail or possibly prison if Greg dies.
I have the girl help me walk Greg around to keep him alive for over a half an <br hour maybe more. Partiers return to Greg's house and in answer to my prayers, a girl I know Luana takes charge like Nurse Jackie, a pulls out some speed from her purse to dose Greg with and then has us strip Greg and through him in the bathtub with cold water and ice. Luana saves the day and the chick I was about to fuck cooled off and left.
If the whole thing was some kind of situational 'Set Up', it was a great one, as Greg had stopped breathing, and was turning colder by the second when the girl I was about to fuck stumbled over him and I talked into not calling for an ambulance and had her help me walk Greg around until some totally unexpected help arrived. I should say that I prayed silently and very devoutly as I didn't want Greg to croak and then get sent up to prison by some ambitious 'dick head' D.A. for manslaughter, which was not too uncommon back in the late '60's and early '70's, in similar such cases in L.A., California and various locations throughout the U.S.
Partying with girls I know in La Puente where I meet Getty who I suspect may be a 'plant' for the FBI and CIA, my Fall '71 Criminal Law Class full of cops taught by L.A. Sheriffs Det. Lt. Meally, tr Citrus College. Attica Prison massacre. I drop the class in late October '71 as it's weird bringing an FBI 'plant' with to my police science class full of cops. Det. Lt. Meally must have known and could see the spot I was I in. Fall trade school in L.A., 4 day hitch hike up north in November to Central Coast. February 2, 1972 Draft Lottery where I am No. 153 and so no Vietnam or duty in Europe or Stateside.
Click on the image link above to the web page describing the bizarre and convoluted events of 'Spud' Helberg's July 1971 Murder
and the even more sinister implications and machinations involved in the cover up that followed
Click on the image link above to read about my 'friend' Greg's episodic reappearance only days 'Spud' Helberg's July 1971 Murder
and Getty apparently some kind of FBI-CIA 'mole' who gets installed in my life a week or so later.w
Click on the image link above to read about the circumstances and events of my life from the Fall of 1971 through February 1972Click on the page links below to read news from mid 1971 through February 1972
Click On The Image Links Below To View The Reference Pages
To Part 3 Sub Part 3 Of "1979" / 1979westbrook.com
Reference Page 1 to Part 3 Sub Part 3 ________ Reference Page 2 to Part 3 Sub Part 3
Reference Page 3 to Part 3 Sub Part 3
Click on the image link above to read about the bizarre and convoluted events of 'Spud' Helberg's July 1971 Murder
Mid July 1971: Working --- My Psychology Class --- Greg Comes Back Home From The Army
For the next two following weeks in July 1971 I never saw or heard from 'Spud' Helberg' as I was working quite in Glendora a bit and mostly hung out around the apartment I shared in Azusa, and I was attending my psychology class at Citrus College, that might twice a week as I recall.
It was a very possitive class and one of my classmates Tim, was the former student body president at Gladstone High when I was a freshman there in 1967-68, during time Tim, then a Senior got busted for drugs himself, was thrown out of Gladstone. --- This was regarded as so damaging to the school's self image and prestige that it promped the Principal Mr. Mann to address the entire student body of about 700 kids there about the matter of Tim's arrest and expulsion over the school intercom only a day or two after it happened.
I was planning to visit 'Spud' there at his house in Covina, but it was about that time mid-July 1971 that I ran into my old friend Greg Downard who I met on the last two days of my 7th grade class in 1966 and hung out with a good deal during the eigth grade.
After I was set up and expelled for riding across campus an the back of a kid's bicycle in May of '67, I attended summer classes at Azusa High and didn't see much of him. --- I do remember that as 1967 was the 'Summer Of Love' I attended a 'Love In' at 'Covina Park' and listened to a lot rock music that summer, The Beatles 'Sergeant Pepper' and a lot of other great rock albums came out that year as it was kind of Renaissance and a cultural and social revelution as well.
As this was the case there were a lot of parties and 'get togethers' going, with the semi-tribal ritual of 'pot' smoking performed in which everyone sat in a circle passing 'joints' and pipes around like American-Indians passing pipes around.
My neighborhood and in fact the that whole area in and around Covina was full of parties and awash in drugs from Mexico, Columbia, Vietnam and American Pharmasuetical companies as were many, if not most of the suburbs of the major cities in the U.S. at that time. ---
and hung out at a couple of the party houses therein my neighborhood.Prior to July of 1971, the last time that I saw Greg must have in the fall of '67, when I was walking across the center of the Gladstone High campus with a hall pass, as it was during class and I was heading for my P.E. class at the gym. --- Greg was standing there with no one else around, and he had rather large Seagull in his arms, bleeding from it's beak.
I then ran over to see what Greg was doing and I could see that he was trying to remove a fish hook from the Seagull's mouth as the bird was biting him, and it took a couple of minutes and a number of bites from the angry bird's beak before we were able to unhook the slightly bloody bird, it flew away ungratefully towards the sky.
Greg explained that had wrapped bread around a fish hook with line attached in order to catch the bird by yanking the line and pulling the bird in. --- I had seen this done a couple of times before during the Fall of '67 by some of the upper classmen and I guess Greg wanted to try it too.
Soon after that incident I heard from mutual freinds that Greg had transferred to the 'lab school' in Azusa later that Fall and I didn't see Greg much although he came over to visit from time to time, usually to buy or sell some drugs, and we partied at the party houses in my neighborhood in the Spring of 1968.
Greg suddenly disappeared from the scene and it was sometime in the Fall of '68 or Winter of '69 that I heard from our mutual friends in Azusa that Greg had enlisted in the U.S. Army, and feared that he might be sent to Vietnam to fight in that undeclared war there, that was one military fiasco after another.
So when Greg appeared back home in Azusa out the clear blue sky in July '71, I guess he looked me up and the two of us began hanging out and he told me about his experiences in the Army and how he was stationed in Alaska for most of his enlistment.
I was planning to visit 'Spud' over at the house that he and his brother's leased across from Covina Park
in late July '71 as I was to complete my psychology class at the end of the month and I had already spent enough time with Greg.It was my intention to visit 'Spud' when he and friends were jamming at the end of July and I wanted to follow through with my plans to write some rock lyrics for the band he might be forming, and if not 'Spud's band than some other rock group.
I didn't want to write lyrics about love, heartbreak and leaving girls as that isn't what interested me at all, and besides there were way, way more than enough love songs writen and played in virtually every kind of music at that time, be it rock, folk, county western, pop and soul.
My personal desire at that time to write lyrics describing the tumultuous times that we all lived in at that time in 1971, something along the lines of the rock song: "1984" by the rock band 'Spirit'. --- The fascist elements in the already corporatized music industry and mass media, had flexed their muscles to make sure that 'Spirit's "1984" was never allowed any airplay on the AM radio stations in 1971.
AM radio was still big and had tens of millions of rock and pop music listeners in 1971, as the under-ground and commercial FM radio rock stations that started somehwew were still in their ascendancy in popularity at that time.
July 24th Saturday Night At Thom's In Covina Getting Ready To Party:
I would say that it was only about a week or so after 'Spud' Helberg's death by murder on July 17th 1971, when Greg Downard, a friend of mine who I knew since the last two days of my 7th Grade class in June '66 after his family had just moved out from Las Vegas, and moved to the house on North Banewell Avenue, in Azusa* Top Right. Greg and I saw each other a bit during the eighth grade at Center Intermediate in Azusa from the fall of '66 through May '67 when I got kicked out over a stunt rigged by the school administrators there. As I was always mixing things up the summer of 1967, I saw Greg from time to time and a number of other new friends and acquaintances in addition to the those in my regular neighborhood clique that centered on and around Tudor Street where I grew up. The summer of 1967 sometimes referred to the 'Summer of Love', a milestone in the cultural revolution of the 1960's, full of drug psychedelia, art and especially rock music, 'Sergeant Pepper', Hendrix, Iron Butterfly, Zepellin, etc.
There was even a full blown 'Love In' at Covina Park that summer, a place that would be indelibly etched in my mind in July 1971, as the result of the night I spent partying at the house on Badillo and 4th just across the street from Covina Park and the attack on my friend 'Spud' Helberg only minutes after I left him and his girl Niki at 3:00 AM and 'Spud's death a week later, reportedly as the result the attack. During that Summer of '67, Greg introduced to the friends in his neighborhood some whom I knew from Valleydale elementary and later at Center School and we all started 'smoking weed' together as was the case with my freinds in my neighborhood clique, and occasionally in some of the selected bathrooms at Gladstone High which were always jam packed during break, as they were also smoking lounges between classes. It was during that fall of '67 as a freshman at Gladstone High when I helped Greg remove a fishhook from a Seagull's mouth as it was bleeding during class there in the center of the campus with Greg stuck there all alone.
We got the gull unhooked and I went on my way with my hall pass over to the gym for PE. In the Fall of '67 at Gladstone it then a short lived fad to bait fish hooks with food, causing the birds to dive in, grab the baited hook in their beaks and then the kids would reel the birds in from the sky. This was popular with the upper classmen, the tough kids who were Juniors and Seniors at that time. Sometime during the Fall of '67 Greg left Gladstone High and was sent to the Sierra Vista Continuation school' located on 5th Street and Angeleno Avenue in Azusa, and I saw Greg from time to time until sometime in the Fall of '68 as I recall.
When I got bounced out of Gladstone for drugs and sent over to the very same 'lab school' in Azusa in late October '69 I didn't see Greg there. --- This must have been about the time that Greg had enlisted in the U.S. Army as Greg turned 17th the month before in September '69 and I didn't see or hear from him since. I don't recall Greg ever phoning me or stopping by my folks house in Covina to say goodbye, although he may have and I missed the call. It was only from his neighborhood freinds that I found out that he enlisted in the U.S. Army.
I was shocked as Greg never mentioned the possiblity to me, but then again I hadn't seen him in a long time. There was then such a huge demand for human cannon fodder and guys to fill body bags in Vietnam at the time, that I was afraid Greg might be sent there and get killed, as even declared wars, that aren't really wars demand one's full attention to survive those hellish battles and bloody sieges in Vietnam in the late 1960's. Although I'm not a hundred percent certain I vaguely recall that I must have been on my way to work 'swingshift' at the printing plant in Glendora that churned out a weekly advertiser, and that it there at my then address, the Azusa Gardens apartments, when I ran into Greg there outside on one of the paved walkways that led to front the apartments and Gladstone Street with my bicycle. I was a bit shocked as I hadn't seen him in over a year and a half, and hadn't had a call or a post card from him in all that time, whereby I had almost forgot about him by that time in what I suppose must have been late July or possibly early August 1971, only a week or two after 'Spud' Helberg's murder.
Greg told me had just been discharged from the Army and that he was there to see Lillian a local lass who was his girlfriend before he went into the service, as Lillian had an apartment there at the Azusa Gardens as well. As I had to get to work, I made arrangements to see him later. When I met Greg later, possibly in the late morning or early afternoon of a workday, or maybe that weekend on my days off. I suppose that Greg came over to my apartment thereat the Azusa Gardens where we smoked some 'weed' and had drank some beer as he filled me in thereon what was going on with his life since I saw him last. Greg told me how he was stationed in Alaska, probably Fort Richardson near Anchorage, and that he worked in a kitchen and a bit about his daily routine in the Army as a Private. --- He then told me how he had 'flipped' out on some kind of drug, that was supposedly LSD and that he started throwing things therein the commissary, one being a chicken that hit a 'full bird' Colonel who just happened to be passing by.
Greg said that he a recieved an Undesirable Discharge as the result of this and then we walked outside and he showed me the car he bought, a yellow and white '56 Chevy Bel Air that he liked very much, and so did I as it was one of my favorite years, as was the '58. I never liked the '57 Chevys as the fins were too big for my liking. I gave Greg a brief rundown on the circumstances and events since I had seen him last, sometime in '68 or possibly later, and I gave him my standard presentation about my College Police Science Class through Gladstone High that I needed to graduate, my drug bust in March and the month I spent in Jail and the 'snitch frame' on April 15th 1971, in order to dispell any possible false rumors to Greg I may have turned 'snitch' or become an uncover cop, as I had done with most all of my friends and acquaintances over the last three months since April.
When it came time to tell Greg about 'Spud's murder then only days before, I gave Greg what was to then become my standard presentation abrieviated version of that as well, as I knew that the all seeing electronic eyes and ears of the FBI and very likely other intelligence agencies and possibly the military had me under surveillance as was then so plainly evidenced to me by 'Spud's murder barely two weeks before. Besides all this it just wouldn't do to tell Greg, and everyone else for that matter all about some convoluted, conspiratorial-machinations that they couldn't and or wouldn't even care to understand only to have them murdered over it as was the case with 'Spud' Helberg after I told him too many details about the April '71 'snitch' 'frame up' laid me three months before. Then there was Greg himself, if he was brainwashed enough to join the Army was it possible that Greg's mind was getting a manicure there too.
Perhaps I should also mention that Greg's brother Benny Downard was a Deputy with the L.A. Sheriff's San Dimas Station, the same L.A. Sheriff's San Dimas Station from where there Detectives and 'snitchs' were so inexrtricably involved there in the murder of 'Spud' Helberg only days before in mid July 1971. Deputy Downard from the San Dimas Sheriffs Station and had actually rousted me walking down the street on my 16th birthday on March 8th 1969 near my home as I walked on Lark Ellen just south of Arrow Highway in that part of L.A. County called Covina, whereby I had to throw my 'stash' in some ivy nearby and I retrieved it after Benny was done rousting me and drove off.
A few nights later Greg's girlfriend Lillian who was also my neighbor at the Azusa Gardens apartments was having a little party there at her place and somehow she caught me out in the parking lot and started hitting and the next thing I knew we were making out for about ten minutes as I was looking forward to some 'whim wham' when Lillian suddenly turned off the charm and went inside and did I and put the incident out of my mind, before continuing the rest of the night partying with Greg and everybody that was there. Top Right Greg Downard's parent's house in Azusa* with the red haired young man representing Greg and a two tone '56 Chevy Bel Air 2 door very much like the one Greg owned, just after Greg recieved an Undesirable Discharge from the Army and re-entered into my life in late July '71 only days after 'Spud' Helberg's murder in mid-July. (*The house is actually located in an unincorporated part of L.A. County with an Azusa mailing address. The same applies to my folks house at the corner of East Tudor Street and Lark Ellen with the Covina mailing address that was then and is in an unincorporated part of L.A. County)
The following weekend Greg had decided to throw a party at his parent's house on Banewell in Azusa near Gladstone High, as they were out of town. The party was in full swing for about an hour and a half when the cops arrived prompting about a hundred or more kids there to climb over the walls of the parent's backyard and swarm into the backyards of the neighbors behind them.
It was truly a sight to see, like a scene out of shipwreck or a disaster movie with hordes of teenagers plainly visable from the porch and patio lights that lit up the backyard like a movie set, as they ran across the backyard, and started climbing over the back wall like some 'stoner' lemmings, many falling over, whilst others stumbed over the back wall, in various states of drunkeness or all loaded up on drugs crash landing in the neighbors backyard. I was so amazed at the sight that I managed to find a perch to watch the show as the kids trampled over the backdoor neighbor's flower beds, broke wooden trellis's, garden furniture, pottery, glass and other breakables, that included at least one set of wind chimes, as the angry homeowners screamed in excited protest from a bedroom window at the 'stoned' and drunken teenaged huns.
They must have also been scared as they dared not step outside of their home and into their backyard for fear of being trampled to death during the several minutes it took for the herds to clear the backyard. In addition to my desire to observe this riotius display of drug and alcohol fueled panic and hysteria from the backyard of Greg's parent's backyard, I also decided that it might be wise to let the hundred or so kids clear the way for me in the backdoor neighbor's backyard before I decided to do the same, this as I kept an eye out for the cops although I doubted the Azusa cops or the Sheriffs would bother coming into the backyard of Greg's parents house.
As the police wound up their visit to Greg's parent's place on North Banewell and having made it to the street at the front of the trampled over backdoor neighbors house on Enid Avenue, where I believe I probably walked north to East Newburgh Street to North Banewell where I ducked out of site until all of the police cars were gone before proceeding south on Banewell to Greg's parent's house there. Greg was there picking up the over turned funiture, debrie and other odds and ends and he told me how it went with the cops as I helped him get things back in order and swept up a bit. He then told that the cops, who I seemed to recall were the Azusa Police were dispatched there on a disturbing the peace call and finding the place virtually deserted they seemed satisfied.
According to Greg the cops then warned him that they better not get a call to come back there or they would arrest him, and so Greg reassured the officers that there would be no partying there that night and then told them that his older brother Benny was a Deputy with the San Dimas Sheriffs and that he didn't want him to hear anything about the party at their parent's house. This wasn't to be quite the case exactly, as this girl showed up thereat Greg's as the both of us were straightening thing around and sweeping up.
It was Mary B. one the prettiest and sexiest girls that I ever went to school with first at Center Intermediate school and later at Gladstone High where she was year a behind me as I recall. Mary B. had a vivaciousness that made a lot of the guys at Gladstone want to date her and possibly as well. I seem to recall that Mary came there with a couple of other girls who had decided to leave in their car, but that Mary stayed on there for some reason or other.
During that first hour or more after the Azusa cops left, from about 9:30 to just before 11:00 PM, there were only three people thereat Greg's parent's house, Greg, Mary B. and myself. Greg went to a back bedroom to get some stash, and we all smoked a 'joint' and Greg left for the bedroom where he said he wanted to lay down for a while. I seem to recall that Greg and I had decided to keep the turn the lights off in the kitchen and the livingroom so as to discourage the return of any party goers there, and thus in turn might result in the return of the Azusa Police and Greg's arrest as promised.
In the meanwhile I was more than delighted to be alone with Mary B. therein the livingroom with the lights out, talking to this very sexy girl who I had wanted to fuck since junior high and who never thought I would ever get a chance to. As Greg was kind enough to leave us alone Mary and I both sat there on the couch and were talking innocently enough about school and joked about some of the teachers and administators there, and I told her how I had straightened up enough to graduate from Gladstone, after my month long stint in jail for drugs that spring. I asked Mary what she'd been up to that summer, and I was becoming enchanted by the subtle sensuality that she was giving off and before I knew it, our eyes were locked on each other's face and we were French kissing intensely on the couch, before rolling off it and onto the carpeted floor there in the livingroom.
Having managed to unbotton her blouse enough to reach in under bra, I was able to feel her nice little tits there in my artistic little hands, as our kissing and breathing intensified until I felt like I was going to burst, much to Mary's excitement and approval. It was truly "the stuff that dreams are made of." It was then as I was making my way around the bases to the girl's 'home plate' there on the livingroom floor of that house on North Banewell Avenue, when Mary said had to get a drink of water and that she'd be right back.
As she got up and walked towards the kitchen I brushed back my hair and started to catch my breath as my heart started racing because it looked liked my one of my teenage fantasies was about to come true, as I was about to have sex with Mary B., right there on that livingroom floor. This was an unexpected opportunity as didn't expect to see her again having just graduated from High School the month before.
She was one of the few girls at Gladstone High that I really ever fantisized about having sex with. No sooner had Mary walked into the kitchen when I heard her let out a scream that made my blood run cold, and so I leapt to my feet and ran in there and was about ask Mary what was the matter, when I saw her looking down at the near lifeless body of Greg as he lay there in darkness on the linoleum floor, as the kitchen lights were still out.
Perhaps I should note at this , and the only light that filtered in there came from the large grid of picture windows* in the livingroom, apparently from a combination of moonlight and the porch lights that Greg left on. (* The house on North Banewell Avenue has been remoldeled so that the large livingroom windows are no longer there, along with a number of other remodeling changes as well.) Upper Right: That rock album on the left side of the 56' Chevy is entitled: 'Love It To Death' by the original Alice Cooper rock band, and was one that Greg and I liked and we played it lot when we got 'high' along with a number of other great albums. ---The Album with it's hit single 'I'm Eighteen' was ironically enough released on March 8th 1971, my 'Eighteenth' Birthday assuming this referrence source is correct. (*https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Love_It_to_Death)
Top Center Right: Front page of the San Gabriel Vally Daily Tribune for July 30, 1971 reporting yet another mid-air plane crash between a Japanese Air Defense Force F-86 Sabre Jet fighter and a Japanese All Nippon Airways 727 passenger jet and took place about 275 miles northeast of Tokyo. All Nippon Airways (ANA) Flight 58 was a Boeing 727-281 airliner, registration JA8329, that collided with a Japan Air Self-Defense Force (JASDF) Mitsubishi F-86F Sabre, registration 92-7932, while en route from Chitose Airport in Sapporo to Tokyo International Airport (Haneda Airport) in Tokyo on 30 July 1971 at 2:04 local time.[1][2] All 162 of those on board the Boeing 727 died. The pilot and sole occupant of the F-86, a trainee with the JASDF, ejected from his aircraft shortly before the collision and survived. The collision occurred over Shizukuishi, Iwate Prefecture. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All_Nippon_Airways_Flight_58 Upper Mid Center:
Just below the headlines on the Japanese fighter jet ANA 727 mid air July 30th 1971 is the Front page of the San Gabriel Vally Daily Tribune for June 7, 1971 it's headlines: '2 Major Air Crashes: L.A. 49; East 28 Although the front page headlines of the 'double whammy' plane crashes reads more like something one might read in the sports page, the article below is about two major plane crashes that place only hours apart. The first being the June 6th '71 mid-air' of the Air West DC-9 jetliner with a Marine Corp Phantom jet over the Bradbury Hills near Duarte, only 8 miles from the apartment in Azusa where I was then living, from May through July 1971.
The date is interesting as well, it then being the 27th anniversary fo the Allied 'D-Day' Invasion of Normandy in World War II on June 6th 1944, made all the more interesting by the plane crash that reportedly took the life of America's greatest World War II Hero Audie Murphy, at the start of the Memorial Day Holiday weekend on May 28th, 1971 over some wilderness area in Eastern Virginia. Murphy's death was made all the more suspicious by then ongoing rumors and subsequent news reports that the Burbank Police were trying to 'frame' one of, or possibly the greatest American War Hero that ever lived on some bogus narcotics wrap, apparently as part of a more elaborate conspiracy plot to assassinate Audie Murphy's character.
I would at the doorstep of the FBI's joint Marine Corp Complex in Quantico, Virginia and those Nazi 'tracer bullet' elements in the Pentagon, the CIA and dozens of other miltary and intelligence agencies with thousands of Nazis and war criminals on their payrolls. The other plane crash took place on June 7th 1971, and it was Allegheny Airlines Convair 580 Turbo Prop that reportedly hit some utility lines and then five vacant beach houses and caused three explosions at the end of the runway at Tweed-New Haven airport in Connecticut.
What with all this history going on around me at that time the Marine Phantom jet colliding with the Air West DC-9 in the skies over Bradbury Hills only eight miles from my home in June '71 --- and precisely the very same thing happening less than two months later in Japan between the Japanese Air Force F-86 fighter jet and the ANA 727 jetliner it seemed like Deja Vue all over again. Because of the very striking similarities between the July 30th 1971 mid air over northern Japan between the Japanese Air Force F-86 jet fighter and the Japanese ANA 727 jetliner --- and that of June 6th 1971 mid air over the Bradbury Hills near my then home in Azusa, between the Marine Corp Phantom fighter jet and the Air West DC-9 jetliner, people throughout Los Angeles County and Southern California wanted to reopen the investigation to June 6th mid air between the Marine Corp Phantom jet and the Air West DC-9 jetliner, that killed a total of 50 people. Upper Mid Center:
The article caption: 'Japanese Tragedy Spurs Duarte Inquiry' that appeared the San Gabriel Valley Daily Tribune in August 1971 reflects these concerns by L.A. County residents and others who now were apprently wondering if perhaps the were some disturbing aspects of the Marine Phantom jet's 'D Day' mid air with the Air West DC-9 passenger jetliner over the Bradbury Hills on June 6th 1971, that warranted closer examination. A person such as myself has to wonder what an insurance actuary say that the odds are of these two separate mid air crashes between two military fighter jets and commercial jet liners, 'accidents' that were reportedly that were so very similar there in key respects, that took place in two different countries, occuring within less than two months of each other. A million to one?, Ten milliion to one?, A billion to one? Was it possible that these two mid air crashes, plus the Allegheny Convair 580 turbo prop crash at the Tweed-New Haven Airport in Connecticut weren't really accidents at all, but were perhaps actually intentional 'take outs' to certain murder individuals on those flights for political purposes.
It was also a threat and a message by two of the world's most powerfull military-industrial-complexes, the United States and Japan to those individuals who might present a threat to power, politics and prestiege of those in power by those seeking change. Like post the Nazis in World War II Germany which was never de Nazified, as the same Japanese fascists and their giant corporate mega conglomerates called 'zaibatzus' prior to and during that same war, managed to evade prosection for murdering tens of millions people and looting East Asia. Thanks to the U.S. military occupation under General MacArthur and his team the countless cover ups, acts of bribery, murder and state sponsored terrorism were just business as usual in Japan in 1971, as the same Japanese fascists that built the Imperial Japanese war marchine, had become more powerfull than ever, and created new coporate monopolies to replace the corporate zaibatzus that were dismantled after the war, which were then called kieretzus.
Maybe it was because my last name is Westbrook, and the fact that I was actually conceived in the country of Japan, and when the mid air disaster there on July 30th took place not too far from the place in Japan where I was concieved took place less than two months after the Marine Corp Phantom jet and the Air West DC-9 on 'D Day' June 6th 1971 mid air only 8 miles from my home, like a lot of other people in L.A. County and Southern California, I too thought that the June '71 mid air should be investigated once more. Then again there was also the inexplicably bizarre nose dive crash of the Western Airlines 720 B at Ontario Airport on March 31st, killing four Senior Western Airlines Pilots as one of my protectors in my clique at the Biscailuz Center county prison in East Los Angeles was a fellow inmate trustee who was a purser for Western Airlines during my stay there from March 22nd through April 13th 1971.
As this was only two months before the June 6th mid air over Bradbury Hills, that made both of these aviation disasters all the more intriguing, to myself and no doubt others in the L.A. area, and various parts of the U.S. as well. Dead Center: A photo of me as teenager in high school and just right smaller a similar photo of me a year or two before posing near some symbol from what I beleive is from Japanese Kanji alphabet, one of three alphabets the Japanese use. --- I guess I was feeling my Japanese roots that night. Japan was the place where my father the late Captain James T. Westbrook died in February 1953, only a few weeks before my mother flew back to Nashville with my sisters, and Dad's coffin, only days before she gave birth to me at the U.S. Army Hospital at Fort Campbell Christain County Kentucky, on March 8, 1953.
The reason that I was conceived in Japan, is that my mother was of half-Danish and half-Japanese descent, and my dad who I suspect may have possibly been of Dutch-Anglo descent, or something like it, and was an officer in the U.S. Army Corps Of Engineers and reportedly had a stroke, at a train station with my mom and older sisters, en route to the airport in Tokyo to catch a 'MATS' (Military Air Transort Service) flight stateside on the day he died, according to my now deceased older sister, the late Marylee Westbrook who told me how my late father had fought with Army for years about bringing his family to the U.S.
My full blooded Japanese Grandma, was a resident in the hills near Nagasaki in August 1945 and I also had a number of relatives that lived in the City of Nagasaki in August 1945. I later found out from my late half brother Noboru before he died in 1999, that my maternal Grandmother was living in some hills just outside Nagasaki and actually witnessed the test of the implosion-type nuclear weapon on our relatives at Nagasaki as the mushroom cloud sent the atoms of their superheated and vaporized corpses skyward. It used to make me nauseous to watch the live televised coverage of nuclear weapons testing in Nevada that were broadcast live in the late 1950's and early 1960's on a local L.A. TV station, channel 5, KTLA.
In the wake of 'Spud's murder in mid July '71 and all the labyrinths of subterfuge, intrigue and cover up involved in it, as 'Spud' was only 19, and it made me realize that I should make some changes of scene and perhaps try to enjoy life having just graduated from High School as I figured that if the local police and Sheriffs didn't murder me. There was the very real possibility that I could be drafted and sent off to Vietnam to fight in some undeclared war, led by a corrupt regime, for some rather ambiguous military objectives for the benefit of the American military industrial complex and their shareholders, a come back a cripple, and or a heroin addict with physical and pyschological scars.
As I needed some time and space to myself there in late July '71, I quit my job at the printing plant in Glendora and moved out of the Azusa Gardens on Gladstone Street as I was getting somewhat annoyed with the way one of my roomates was always beating his girlfriend and she was becoming more of a willing victim all the time. About this time I moved back into the place on the street where I grew up Tudor Street in Covina, (Upper Left Edge) the house of my friend's Thom mother, the place where I was staying earlier that year from late February until mid March '71 and which was located directly behind Gladstone High where I had just graduated from. After 13 years of public education and bullshit attempts at indoctirination and asinine conformity in the Cold War-Vietnam War era, it was being released from prison.
It seemed like a good investment 'cop' about four ounces of mescaline from a couple in Arcadia, a place near Huntington and Santa Anita in a back small house near the landmark drive in liquor store and where my friends and I would sometimes go and smoke 'pot' and hashish over various kinds of herb teas as we listened to music and chatted a bit. --- It was really mellow environment, that always seemed to refresh me and I'll always be gratefull for the friendship and good times I had there. Greg came over one night late July '71 to the place I was living at on Tudor just behind the high school, and we drove over in Greg's '56 Chevy to see a girl I knew in La Puente, named Claudia.
This was at her parents house on Millbury Avenue as it jags southwest from Amar Road (Lower Left Section). During our visit I asked her about her girlfriend Betsy and Claudia said that she was over at the house of a friend of theirs, (House Left Of Center) and that he had the run of the place as his folks were on vacation, and so we all got in Greg's car and drove over to see Betsy and check out the scene at the house, located about two and a quarter miles away.
This was the first place on the right as you turn off of Perth Avenue onto Hartsville Street in La Puente. I saw Betsy thereat the house there at the house on Hartsville, and she and Claudia introduced me to guy named Jim Sorensen, the kid who lived, as well as a guy from El Monte who I will call 'Getty'. It was a really mellow scene there with some other La Puente locals, mostly all white kids and few Mexican kids as well and everybody looked like they were having a really good time, and when they found out that I had some doses of powdered mescaline to everybody just happier.
My days of partying days over at Sorensen's place in late July and early August 1971 are covered therein the 50 page plus document detailing my friend 'Spud' Helberg's murder and cover up in mid-July 1971, as the circumstances and events between these two episodes ran seemlessly together seem to run who Claudia introduced us to along which isn't his real name but an alias I have given him, out of consideration for the privacy of his immediate family members and deceased mother. I met Getty at house of a friend of a girl from La Puente I was seeing at that in late July 1971, within only days of my seeing Greg Downard for the first time in over two years or more. Greg would be 'outed' as an FBI and a 'snitch' for the L.A. Sheriff's four years later on July 25th 1975 at a friend of mine's house in the woods at place just south of the Oregon border, called Callahan, some 550 miles away.
Like Greg's place in L.A. County with and Azusa mailing address, my family's house with a Covina address was also located in an unincorporated portion of L.A. County, which meant that we had Covina cops to roust there as well. I should also add that my next door neighbor from late 1957 on through February '71 was an L.A. County Sheriff, and I even went to one their picnics at San Dimas Park when I was a kid as one of his sons was my age had invited me to go with him.
Some would say that I am unpatriotic or Anti-American for not wanting to test nuclear weapons on the civillian non-combatant, men, women and children at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. They also think the moon landings were for real too and that a 'Magic Bullet' defied all the laws of geometry and physics to kill President Kennedy in Dallas in November 1963.
Upper Left: TIME Magazine cover August 9, 1971 with the Apollo 15 crew on the cover. Lower Right Center: New York Times Front Page from August '71 with photos of the Apollo 15 crew with Lunar lander and dune buggy suposedly taken on the Moon Apollo 15 was the ninth manned mission in the United States' Apollo program, the fourth to land on the Moon, and the eighth successful manned mission. It was the first of what were termed "J missions", long stays on the Moon, with a greater focus on science than had been possible on previous missions. It was also the first mission on which the Lunar Roving Vehicle was used.
The mission began on July 26, 1971, and ended on August 7. At the time, NASA called it the most successful manned flight ever achieved.[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo_15 There is a rather evident symbiosis between the doctored photos used to 'frame' Lee Harvey Oswald in the 1963 assassination of President Kennedy and the movie set photos and films of the so called moon landings from July 1969 to December 1972, as evidenced by the few sample photos and text shown her below. During this same time period from 1969 to 1972, the Zapruder still under lock and key at some office building owned by TIME LIFE since 1963 and it wouldn't be until March 6th 1975 that the American public was permitted to view the Zapruder film, or rather a cleverly edited version of what was still a film that totally disproves the Warren Commission's 'single bullet' / 'magic bullet' mythology regarding the first of two Kennedy assassinations in a five year period in the 1960's.
LIFE magazine's cover from February 21st 1964 with the obviously doctored photo of assassination patsy Oswald's head pasted onto a photo of a man holding a rifle, with his face and body shadowed in three different time zones all at once says it all. According to my sources there were actually three editions or more of this same issue and of which my friends and I severely criticized therein Mrs. Jenkin's 6th grade class at Valleydale elementary, as the frames of the Zapruder film were arranged in an out or order fashion that made the whole thing seemed comical were it not so horrifically gruesome and Orwellian like in it's pathetic attempt to confuse and mislead the Amercan people about the 'JFK' assassintion.
This February '64 issue of LIFE also contained a sizeable photo spread and some chirpy text about a then little known English rock and roll band called: 'The Beatles' hence the birth of phony 'Beatle mania' to divert a generation of America's youth still in grief and shock over the President's murder.
The arrest of New Orleans District Attorney Garrison July 1,1971 on bogus bribery charges that were later dropped, took place only three weeks before the launch of Apollo 15on July 26,1971. The object lesson here being to punish those like Garrison who exposed the involvement of subversive elements in the U.S. Government and Military-Industrial Complex there in assassination of President Kennedy at a time when the Zapruder film was then being withheld from the American People whilst doctored photos of Lee Harvey Oswald's head pasted over a guy holding rifle and the 'Magic Bullet' fantasy were held up as truth.
in the Montage depicting the June 30th 1971 'frame up' charges against New Orleans District Attorney on bogus bribery charges. Fortunately, the jury had the good sense to recognize the bankrupt state of the government's case against Garrison (although three codefendants did earlier plead guilty), and he was found not guilty of the charge, although he later had to go through a second trial for tax evasion, involving the money he did not accept as a bribe. He also won that case." http://www.kenrahn.com/JFK/The_critics/Whitmey/Gervais.html
Garrison was ruled against in a May 27, 1971 decision by U.S. District Court Judge Herbert Christenberry barring Garrison from filing prejury charges against CIA agent and 'JFK' assassination cabal member Clay Shaw, over Shaw's perjured testimony in which he claimed he didn't know 'JFK' assassination conspirator David Ferry or 'JFK' assassination 'patsy' Lee Harvey Oswald, despite eyewitness testimony from reliable sources and even a photo of Shaw with Ferry.
Nixon's then U.S. Attorney General John N. Mitchell made the announcement of Garrison's June 30th arrest on charges of bribery against Jim Garrison. "On February 21, 1975, Mitchell, who was represented by the criminal defense attorney William G. Hundley, was found guilty of conspiracy, obstruction of justice, and perjury and sentenced to two and a half to eight years in prison for his role in the Watergate break-in and cover-up..." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_N._Mitchell
His sentence was later reduced so former Attorney General Mitchell only served 19 months in a 'country club' style prison.
"The great masses of the people ...will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one."
Above Left: A photo of the underground factory 'Dora' with it's forced laborers and what looks like the tail section of a V-2 rocket. Above Right: Walt Disney with Dr. von Braun. The bodies of some Dr. von Braun and Major-General Dr. Walter Robert Dornberger's laborers. * Along with other German rocket scientists, Dornberger was released and brought to the United States under the auspices of Operation Paperclip, and worked for the United States Air Force for three years developing guided missiles *.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter_Dornberger
"The text below is an excerpt from an unfinished manuscript referred to by one title as the: 'The Torbitt Document'. It was compiled and written by a Texas lawyer in the later 1960's under a pen name.
The killing of President Kennedy was planned and supervised by Division Five of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, a relatively small department within the FBI whose usual duties are espionage and counter-espionage activities. Actually, Division Five acted dually with the Defense Intelligence Agency which was acting on behalf of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the Pentagon. Directly under the two-pronged leadership of Division Five and the DIA was the Control Group, their highly secret policy agency - the Defense Industrial Security Command. The five groups under Permindex and their supervisors were: 1. The Czarist Russian, Eastern European and Middle East exile organization called SOLIDARISTS, headed by Ferenc Nagy, ex-Hungarian Premier, and John DeMenil, Russian exile from Houston, Texas, a close friend and supporter of Lyndon Johnson for over thirty years. 2. A section of the AMERICAN COUNCIL OF CHRISTIAN CHURCHES headed by H.L. Hunt of Dallas, Texas. 3. A Cuban exile group called FREE CUBA COMMITTEE headed by Carlos Prio Socarras, ex-Cuban President. 4. An organization of United States, Caribbean, and Havana, Cuba gamblers called the Syndicate headed by Clifford Jones, ex-Lieutenant Governor of Nevada and Democratic National Committeeman, and Bobby Baker of Washington, D.C. This group worked closely with a Mafia family headed by Joe Bonnano. 5. The SECURITY DIVISION of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) headed by Wernher Von Braun, head of the German Nazi rocket program from 1932 through 1945. Headquarters for this group was the DEFENSE INDUSTRIAL SECURITY COMMAND at Muscle Shoals Redstone Arsenal in Alabama and on East Broad Street in Columbus, Ohio.
( Right) Diagrams of the Warren Commission's 'single bullet' 'magic bullet' mythology used to 'frame' Lee Harvey Oswald in the 1963 'JFK' assassination (Left) Pre 'Fox News Corpse' Geraldo Rivera airing the Zapruder film in March '75. --- This was not only it's first time on TV, it was the first time that the American people were allowed to see the film anywhere, ever, over eleven years after President Kennedy's assassination on November 22, 1963.
The text below is an excerpt from the: 'The Torbitt Document'
'The killing of President Kennedy was planned and supervised by Division Five of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, a relatively small department within the FBI whose usual duties are espionage and counter-espionage activities. The Defense Intelligence Agency is headed by Lt. General Joseph F. Carroll, a former assistant Director of the FBI. Carroll worked closely with Sullivan, Hoover and L.M. Bloomfield in directing activities of the munition-makers' police agency, the Defense Industrial Security Command. Walter Sheridan, whose activities are covered later, was the direct liaison man between Carroll and Robert F. Kennedy during the pertinent period. The address for DISC is 3990 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio. The Field office for the Command was located at the old Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville and Muscle Shoals, Alabama.'
The following passages were published in 2007 by Robert D. Novak in his memoir, The Prince of Darkness.
"Sullivan came to our house in the Maryland suburbs in June 1972 for lunch and a long conversation about my plans for a biography of Hoover (a project I abandoned as just too ambitious an undertaking). Before he left, Bill told me someday I probably would read about his death in some kind of accident, but not to believe it. It would be murder."On November 9, 1977, days before he was to testify to the House Select Committee on Assassinations, twenty minutes before sunrise, sixty-five-year-old William C. Sullivan was walking through the woods near his retirement home in Sugar Hill, New Hampshire, on the way to meet hunting companions. Another hunter, Robert Daniels, Jr., a twenty-two-year-old son of a state policeman, using a telescopic sight on a .30 caliber rifle, said he mistook Sullivan for a deer, shot him in the neck, and killed him instantly.
Sullivan reportedly had split with the FBI and or FBI Director Hoover in 1971, assuming that this was case this was about the same exact time that the FBI's Internal Security Division -- Division 5 of the FBI -- was busy 'framing' America's most decorated World unWar II Soldier Audie Murphy for some kind of drug 'frame up' scam, according to a police informant therein the weeks after Murphy's death,
I contend that the May '71 plane crash that purportedly took place in some remote and mountainous corner in the western edge of West Virginia of mountains, served as cover as to what actually happened to America's most decorated World War II Hero.
I contend that he was kidnapped under 'color of law' by the FBI's Internal Security Division under some kind of bogus National Security pretext -- afterwhich he was no doubt drugged, interrogated and likely tossed over to the Nazi criminals imported into the CIA, U.S.-Global military- industrial - complex -- and subjected to some chickenshit kinds or torture and imagined retribution for Soldier Murphy's attempts to free Union Leader Jimmy Hoffa from prison. -- Murphy killed many German soldiers over near impossible odds, with little or none ammumunition. -- In spite of the fact that I was an anti-Vietnam war individual I still respected and admired Audie Murphy for his heroic bravery and inventive audacity when I first heard of his disappearance
Various Drafts and Notes to Part 3 Sub Part 3 of "1979" Below
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Upper Left Edge: ////// Describe class Lt Mealy Maps v Ohio --- Criminal Law Class at Citrus College that I briefly attended from September through early November 1971
Although I didn't know it at the time Getty was some kind of an FBI informant although he had numerous opportunities to get me busted when I was selling organic mescaline during throughout the Fall of 1971 and I met Getty's family and his mother now long since deceased, By August '71 I managed to move back into my friend Thom's mother's house, the place just down the street from my famly's house on Tudor Street, the place where I was living when I got busted in March '71 only 4 days after my 18th birthday ---
I made the rounds of the local hangouts I knew of in Covina, Azusa and San Dimas usually with a friend or two and went hitch-hiking quite a bit --- I signed up for a trade printing and offset photography course that I attended regularly and semi-regularly, it was a place near Venice Blvd. and Hoover Street, with a student loan --- I later completed the course in the Fall of '72 Friends there the T-Rex fan there Electric Warrior just released in Sept '71 I saw them play in Hollywood
////// Camping a bit and hanging with the guys from my neighborhood late summer early fall
/////// Lauren in San Dimas near the old farmhouse I partied with friends at in the Fall of 1970 house looks pretty much the same
/////// Hitch to Big Sur late October 71 Night in the Malibu Colony
/////// November Lauren dumps me for Getty I'm bummed a bit but glad to as Getty gets her pregnant soon after and they eventually get hitched later
////// Nov DB Cooper out of Portland ///// Palladium Tuesday Feb 15 '72 Feb 4 72 A Cooper with Howlin Wolf
////// Draft Lottery Feb 2nd 1972
* Your Instructor L.A. Sheriff's Detective-Lt. Mealy Describe Him * His Classroom Demeanor, & Concise Oration The Law * Lt. Mealy's Laconic Sense Of Humor As Dark As My Own Sometimes * Getty I Suspect As Some Kind Of Governent 'Agent Mole' --- Getty Attends My 'Criminal Law' Class With Me *If Getty Is Some Kind Of Government Spook Than This Is Too Fucking Deep For Me ? This Tends To Confirm My Suspicions That I Was Subjected To Some Subtle Forms Of Behavior Modification Back In March & April 1971 ---
If This Was The Case Then It's Also Likely That I Was Given Some Kinds Of Commands During My 30-Day Stint In October-November 1970 In The LA County Juvie And Very Possibly The OC Juvie In The City Orange August 1970. It's Weird Thinking What I Was Getting In The Middle Of, What With My Classroom Full Of Cops, L.A. Sheriff's No less Whose Custody I Had Been Therein The Care Of Earlier That Year.
My Sometimes Intimidating Presence Of My Next Door Neighbor The L.A. Sheriff's Deputy Since The Fall Of 1957 Who Cease To Be Neighbor When I Moved Out Of The House Earlier That Year When I Moved Out In February 1971. New 'Friend' From Last Summer Who I Suspect As Some Kind Of 'Intel' Informant My Classmates.
The October '71 Incident When Greg & I Got A Bit Too Loaded On THC, Greg & Then Drove Out From San Dimas On The 10 Freeway En Route To Getty's In El Monte --- We Became 'Gumby' & 'Pokey' In Transit And Had To Pull Off The Freeway At Azusa Avenue To Make It To My Place In Covina And Getty Materialized Thereat Azusa Avenue In Covina --- This Struck Me As Rather Odd And I Began To Suspect That This Guy Was Some Kind Of A Plant. --- But To Be Honest I Really Couldn't See Any Motive Or Angle As To How Or Why Anyone Or Even The Cops Or FBI As Having A Motive To Do So. Lt. Meally Who Teaches 'Criminal Law' Is As Entertaining As He Instructionally Informative, As The Lt. Tells The Class Police Procedure How To 'Bust' People For Dope & Other Crimes In A Manner Consistent With Guarantees Under Various Amendments Of The U.S. Constitution, I Also Learn About 4th Amendment Protections Regarding Unreasonable Police Searches, And Thus Class Discussions On Such Legal Landmark Rulings Thereas 'Maps v Ohio' On Searches & Seizure, 'The Fruit Of The Forbidden Tree' Doctrine, 'Scope Of A Reasonable Search', Miranda Rights For Suspects, And Stuff Like That.
Fall Of 1971, This Information Was To Prove Invaluable Therein The Then Near Future As It Was Therein The Then Distant Future Of The Late 1970's, And 1978-1979 Especially. --- Pulled Over In San Dimas With Some Teenage Girls, One My Girlfriend By The L.A. Sheriff's Therein Greg's '56 Chevy --- Greg Informs The Cops That His Brother Benny Is Also On The San Dimas Sheriffs, Our Stash Stays Hid And We Drive Away * Your Instructor L.A. Sheriff's Detective-Lt. Mealy Describe Him * His Classroom Demeanor, & Concise Oration The Law * Lt. Mealy's Laconic Sense Of Humor As Dark As My Own Sometimes * The Time Larry Sackett's Shooting By The Sheriff's Came Up And A Deputy And I Debated The Matter As Sackett A Doper Wasn't Armed Though Sometimes Beligerent When High * Getty I Suspect Is Some Kind Of Governent 'Agent Mole'
--- Getty Attends My 'Criminal Law' Class With Me The October '71 Incident When Greg & I Got A Bit Too Loaded On THC, Greg & Then Drove Out From San Dimas On The 10 Freeway En Route To Getty's In El Monte To Pick Up Getty For Class With Me --- Greg Had To Pull Off The Freeway At Azusa Avenue And Drive North To Make It To The Place I Was Living At In Covina, There On Tudor Street Behind Gladstone High And Getty Materializes Thereat Azusa Avenue And Arrow Highway In Covina --- What Are The Odds He Would Be There Hitch Hiking At Precisely That Time. And I Began To Suspect That This Guy Was Some Kind Of A Plant. --- But I Really Couldn't See Any Motive Or Angle As To How Or Why Anyone Or Even The Cops Or FBI As Having A Motive To If Getty Is Some Kind Of Government Spook Than ThisTends To Confirm My Suspicions That I Was Subjected To Some Subtle Forms Of Behavior Modification Back In March & April 1971